Friday, November 14, 2014

Blog Tour: The Devil Behide Me By: Evangelene

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*******This book is the first in the series and includes a cliffhanger ending******

"My name is Addie Sakis, I had a promising future once. I had my whole life planned out, but after that tragic day, everything changed. The world I coveted no longer existed. Ten years went by until one day when Daimon Evans, the boy who bullied me continuously in high school, reemerged back into my life, offering me all that I wanted in exchange for one" Addie Sakis had a sad past, a past that overshadowed her future. She clung to it not knowing how to let it go. That was until Daimon Evans came back into her life challenging her and pushing her back to the fighter he knew still existed inside her. If only she knew that Daimon wasn't the devil she thought, but rather it was her demons that ruled her, the demons that lay inside her soul. How far will Addie go to help her family? Which line won't she cross as she deals with the devil she calls Daimon? Note from the Author: This is a dysfunctional love and hate trilogy that involves emotional blackmail and a few other situations that the one wouldn't do to the person they liked or loved. Addie and Daimon do what they do under the guise of a love that hurts so good.

Happy Reading. Part of the proceeds of this book will go to

“No,” I said feeling more of his warm cum seeping out of me. I moved away from him to get to the bathroom, but he seized my hand and pulled me back. He then placed his hands on either side of my face and made me look at him.
“I’m a greedy man Addie. Once I have what I want, I want more of it and you are what I want. My need for you is a lot greater than you know.” His deep voice reverberated inside me, as I stood there thoroughly fucked by Daimon. I tried to move my face but he held on.
“Haven’t you realized it yet? You don¹t hesitate anymore. You want my touch. You want this. So why can¹t you just let it happen?” he bit out.
“Because I hate you,” I snapped. “I hate how much you pull me into your world. I hate how much I seek it out now!” I cried out.
“Is it that bad? Being pulled in by me? Why can¹t you just let it happen? Why do you need to fight what¹s between us?” he said roughly.
“Because I can’t!” I fired back.
“Why?” he demanded.
“Because I¹m scared. I¹m scared of you, of me, of us,” I shouted.
Daimon finally released me from his hold. I pulled down my skirt and headed away to the bathroom. I closed the door, wanting to sever what was happening between us.

Meet the Author

Evangelene was born and raised in Montreal Canada. She currently lives with her husband who at times drives her nuts. She has been studying Classical Civilization and Linguistics at Concordia University for over ten years. The pull of the ancient world was too great for her to let go, so she continues her education to feel closer to the world she identifies with. She reads nonstop, devouring books like its food, loving the feeling of being lost in a world that another author has created. Evangelene started writing her stories ten years ago to express and bring to life all the wonderful characters that inhabit her imagination. She writes for herself and invites readers to join her journey.

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