Title: Toxic (Cravings #3 - Final Book)
Author: Rachael Orman
Publication Date & Length: November 5, 2015 - 133 pgs
Just when I think my life with John is settling into a happy place, things at work go crazy. Nothing is as it appears and my world starts falling apart at the seams. John takes care of me in ways I can’t express. He might be the perfect man for me, but I can only take so much before that’s just not enough.
Being a dom means being there for your submissive any time she needs you, even if it hinders your own needs. I’ll do anything for Alix, absolutely anything. She’s the love of my life, but when secrets are revealed, feelings get hurt. Sometimes being a dom isn’t enough;, it’s the man inside who has to be there for hiswoman.
When all is revealed, we both have to find a new balance in our relationship. That is if we can survive it all.
Prequel - Lost Desires - FREE
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I have written in nearly every LBGT category as well as the traditional erotic romance category.
I love to try new things and learn from every piece of work I write. I'll write just about anything once to learn from it. I've even ventured out of my normal erotica genre into Monster Erotica. Doubt you'll find me writing anything not erotic as you can barely get me to even read something out of that category, but then again, you never know what I might try next.
Never stop learning. Try everything at least once.
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