Title: Through Lies and Heartache
Author: WB Amore
Genre: New Adult
Tour Host: DRC Promotions
What once started as a trio of friends has turned into heartache and secrets.
Gracie is stuck in a world that she is not sure where she belongs. Ryan and Liam have always been by her side, but all that has changed. Ryan keeps warning her of Liam for reasons he has yet to share. Liam is finally coming back around but is holding secrets she is unsure of.
Gracie is trying to coexist with two men that mean the most to her. One she loves, one she misses. Will she feel that way when secrets start to unravel?
What will Gracie do when she finally learns that her whole life has been surrounded by lies. Will she face the truth or will she run......will she even have the chance?
My Thoughts
Wow, it's a really hott and sexy short read. The author has done amazing. My first time reading from this author and I know it wont be my last. By the time I reached the end I wanted more and needed more I was shocked by the turn of events and how it ended with such a huge cliffhanger; left me speechless. In a way it was really short and confusing at the same time. It's more of a work up on what's to come, enough to get your blood pumping and your eyes open. Yes I might have enjoyed the characters and the setting I was having a hard time in seeing the point of the story, many mixed emotions were coming about and I didn't know what the story was really about? The author did great with her writing she made it were your hooked but really after that I was kind of lost. I do know that I need to read the next part maybe I'd have a better feel for what it's about. I liked the alpha male character Ryan he was by far the best and the hottest he's one I really want to know more. I can't say I really cared for the female lead Heck I can't even remember her name sorry. She was a complete B*&%h and that started pointing me in another directions as far as the story goes. Over all it's one that messes with your head and really gets you thinking. The ending is a complete mind bend as I have no idea what lead to that happening and why that happened to begin with one complete mystery.
My Goodreads Review
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Buy The Book
Amazon: US- http://tinyurl.com/o3p38h6
Smashwords- http://tinyurl.com/oppq297
About The Author
I'm a mother of two boys, married to a loving husband, I also have two furbabies. I love to write New Adult. I'm very new to writing but I love it just the same! I would love to hear feed back from my readers you can contact me at w.b.amore@gmail.com or find me on Facebook at
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