Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Release Blitz & Review: Satisfy Me By: Ryan Michele

Title: Satisfy Me: A Ravage MC Valentine Collection

Series: Ravage MC #3.5

Author: Ryan Michele

Genre: MC Romance

Valentine’s Day is hot.
Bikers make it hotter.

Cruz & Princess

What happens when your son has to remind you that it's Valentine’s Day?
What does a man do for a woman that's not into the roses and chocolate bull they put on television?
Cruz may have forgotten, but he still has a few surprises up his tattooed sleeve.
Princess has some tricks of her own, ones that will guarantee, Cruz enjoys one hot, rough and wet ride.

Tug & Blaze

Fire, passion and peacock feathers?
Tug knows what he wants and exactly how to get it.
Tug and Blaze’s flame might be brand new, but it’s true and red hot.

GT & Casey

Despite a bumpy road, GT and Casey have pulled through.
Their connection, memories, and past have brought them to this point in their lives.
GT comes off hard, but underneath he loves his Angel to the core.
He may not celebrate Valentine’s, but this one will be a day that’ll change him forever.

Just wow, really WOW!!! Words cannot say much or anything at all about this amazing short story. I loved every minute I took reading this. It was on my mind all day at work and as soon as I opened my door I was craving my kindle to read more. The author once again really out did herself this time. My attention was hooked I think more then anything I wanted to see what everyone was up to in Ravage.

I was super excited to know that it was a mini stories of each couple that we have come a crossed. I loved how each story was about love in one way shape or form. Also the fact that each story had to come together and mix all in 1, basically they all ran into each other. This is one story where you want to read all 3 books before this as it talks about some things that happened. Which in turn makes those make more since.

MUST READ!!! I loved it and loved it I actually want more and more damn it. Each little catch up only gave me more to think about what was going to happen next. It's full of all the alpha males, passion, romance and loads and loads of jaw dropping hott sex. I recommend that everyone read this fantastic story. Here's to hoping that at each small cliffhanger I came across that the author will be going and adding more onto the stories!!! Plus I really want to be inside Rhys head for some reason!!!

~ My Rating ~

Ryan Michele has a huge obsession with reading, which only came to life after her best friend said she had to read Twilight. After reading that series, her entire world changed in the blink of an eye. Not only was she sucked into new worlds and all of the wonderful words authors put down on paper, she felt the urge to begin to write down the characters that played inside of her head. In doing so, Safe was born. 
When she’s not reading or writing, she spends time taking care of her two children and her husband, enjoying the outdoors and laying in the sun.

~ Purchase ~

***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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