Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blog Tour: Whatever You Do By: Stephanie Smith

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Title: Whatever You Do (Try Again, #2)

Author: Stephanie Smith

Release Date: January 15, 2014

Genre: Contemporary Romance



~ What's It About? ~

How do you trust someone who is everything you’re trying to avoid? Harper Lindell is having a bad day. You know, if a bad day consists of getting fired from your cushy job and then catching your boyfriend red handed playing hide the salami. Sick of meeting the same guys over and over, Harper decides to try her luck at Internet dating. How bad could it be? Right? Tate Washington wasn’t looking to meet anyone. Still dealing with the consequences of his one serious relationship, all he’s interested in is revamping his family’s behind-the-times café. He didn’t plan on seeing the beautiful receptionist from Argo again, walking into his life to use his café as a dating hub, and using him as a BFF. Can Harper really trust Tate, who is everything she thinks she needs to steer clear of? Can Tate wait while Harper works through her insecurities and fears?

~ Excerpt ~

Tate chuckles as he picks up a tomato and throws it to me. Thanking my quick reflexes, I catch it mid-air. “Here, cut those,” he says, gesturing to the pile of tomatoes already stacked on the bench next to where he is preparing bacon. I pop the tomato down and head to wash my hands. Once I return to the counter, Tate approaches me with an apron and wraps his arms around me as he ties the strings in front. We get stuck into it and work in companionable silence for the next few minutes. “I’m sorry about the other day,” he says, not pausing for a second from the bacon he is cutting. “I know,” I respond. “I’m glad we’re okay.” “Me, too.” Silence descends once more, and we continue our tasks before Tate speaks again. “The other day, you said how you’ve never felt an instant connection with someone before.” “Yeah?” I ask warily, wondering if I freaked him out. “I didn’t get to tell you that I feel the same. When we’re together, it feels right.” “Yeah … it does.” Even though we don’t mention another thing about it, the silence doesn’t come again as the shots keep flowing and the music on the old radio gets louder and louder. We are laughing and carrying on and there is more ‘accidental’ touching on both sides. ‘Black Widow’ by Iggy Azalea and Rita Ora flows through the speakers and I sigh in happiness.
“I love this song.” I leave my tomatoes behind to shake my hips all over the kitchen to the beat, singing along with the lyrics. Warmth covers my back as two strong hands land on my hips. Tate pushes into me from behind and moves his hips along with my own or forces my hips to move along with his—I’m not sure. “You’re so fucking sexy, Harper,” he whispers into my ear. “I won’t be able to keep this friendship platonic if you keep shaking your ass like that in my kitchen.” His warm breath flows over my collarbone as he nuzzles my neck and goosebumps break out across my skin. Tate must notice as he lifts his head and slowly peppers small, light kisses along the crease of my shoulder. My head rolls back onto his shoulder, and my body liquefies at the intimate and sensual touch. He’s breaking down my walls. My common sense. He’s slowly softening me, melting me so he can mould me as he pleases, and it’s working. As the realisation hits me, I jump out of Tate’s arms, grab hold of his hand, and pull him to the middle of the kitchen. I smile seductively at him and wink. “I’ll just have to keep you in line and focused then.” He throws his head back and laughs, allowing me to ignore the moment and lead him around the centre workbench as we shake, shimmy, and wiggle to ‘Shake it Off’ by Taylor Swift, which is now playing on the stereo.

  Try Again books
Wherever You Will Go (Try Again, #1)
Whatever You Do (Try Again, #2)

~ Meet The Author ~

Stephanie SmithI'm first & foremost a reader & fangirl, I will always be first & foremost a reader & fangirl. I am on street teams, I pimp and I brag. I LOVE my Authors!! I have recently started writing as a way to relax and spend some time for me. My first novel Wherever You Will Go is due to release later this year. I'm having so much fun writing my first story and I'm looking forward to the journey it is taking me on.

~ Giveaway ~

love p


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