Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blog Tour: Trigger By: Jill Meengs

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Trigger by Jill Meengs
Published by Booktrope
January 27, 2015
Genre: Spy Thriller

~ What's It About? ~

Jordan Shaw knows the only way to stop the man hunting her is to kill him. She also knows the other men who came after her are dead, some of their blood is on her hands, and she wouldn’t have survived this long without the help of the intriguing and secretive Chase Hudson. Even though she isn’t sure she can trust Chase, she believes she needs him to discover the truth.

Two days before, life was pretty good as she backpacked around Europe with her best friend. Now, everything has changed and she may not even live through the night. What started as a summer trip of self-discovery has become a dangerous journey across three countries as Jordan is forced into a world few know exist and even fewer survive. A clandestine international organization that will let nothing stand in their way has put a price on her head. Despite all the uncertainty, there are two things that she is absolutely sure of; she has one chance to out-maneuver a world class killer, and she has to make that move right now.

~ Purchase ~

~ Excerpt ~

Without a word he took my hand, weaving a determined path through the undulating bodies on the dance floor. He was walking quickly and I had to double-time it to keep up as my heart beat frantically to the tempo of the music.

Across the plaza the crowd thinned, making it easier to navigate up the street. Beyond the clock tower, Chase turned down the first narrow alley we came to, pulling me with him. There were no lights in the narrow passage and, unlike most of the other streets, it was completely empty. He came to an abrupt halt halfway down the darkened corridor where we were completely obscured from anyone passing by on the main road.

Facing me, he steadily pushed me backward until I was pressed up against the wall. The rough, cold stone pressing into my back barely registered in my already overloaded brain. With his hands resting on the wall over both of my shoulders, he leaned forward until he was inches from me. The air between us was electric as I fought to control my breathing, which sounded embarrassingly loud to my own ears.

Time ground to a halt. There was nothing outside this moment. There was no one besides the two of us. The intensity of his gaze and his closeness made my blood boil and my skin tingle. My body practically vibrated with the torrent of feelings rushing through it.

“You are the most captivating creature,” he murmured, his eyes holding my own.

Just when the sweet ache of anticipation was about to tilt into pain, he closed the scant distance between us, pressing his lips against my own.

~ Guest Post ~

Advice for new writers

My best advice for a new writer is the same advice that I felt was the most valuable when I was writing Trigger: write what you want to read. Along with that there is also: write what you know. These two concepts are vital because you will be writing, reading, and editing this manuscript A LOT, so you need to not only enjoy writing, you need to enjoy what it is you are writing, because you are going to be living and breathing it throughout this process. Writing what you know and what you want to read also helps you keep your enthusiasm when you are tired, have writer’s block, or are getting rejected by publishers & literary agents. Most importantly, if you are passionate and knowledgeable about something that will come through in your writing and it will make it more believable and more interesting. Finally, you have to be persistent. Writing a book, editing it, and getting it published is a process that can take years and you have to commit considerable time and energy to it. Don’t let yourself get down and don’t ever give up because if you want it bad enough and work hard enough you will get what you want.

~ Meet the Author ~

jill meengs
Jill Postlewait Meengs grew up in a small town on the Oregon Coast. During and after college she spent extended periods of time backpacking in more than 30 countries. She has been to every location she describes in “Trigger” and some of the content is based on her own experiences while traveling. She met her husband, Chad, in the MBA program at Oregon State University. After getting married, they purchased and fully remodeled a house. It was Chad who encouraged, and then bribed her to write her first book, “Trigger.” He says that he very much enjoys watching the flat-screen he purchased as part of their deal. When Jill isn’t reading or writing, she is running, doing yoga or planning her next trip. Jill and Chad live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon.

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