Friday, February 6, 2015

Blog Tour & Review: Mendacious By: Beth Ashworth

Mendacious by Beth Ashworth

Blog Tour

Hosted by Everything Marie Tours

~ What's It About? ~


1. Not telling the truth; lying.
2. Based on lies.

At the young, naive age of twenty-three, Alex Lewis believed in the deepness of his love and the strength of his marriage to, Libby, his teenage sweetheart. Married for three years, but struggling financially to keep a roof over their heads, Alex thought his wife would stand by him till the bitter end. But she didn’t. His world crashed down around him. 

Fast forward seven years, we meet Alex Lewis again. In the time since his divorce, he has matured significantly. Now the founder and domineering CEO of A L Investments, a multimillion-pound Investment and Management Company, he couldn’t be more different. The high-flying career he has managed to carve conceals a raw and vulnerable side just under the surface. The scars from his ill-fated marriage run deep, leaving him distant, cold, and alone.

So when his path with Libby crosses and an opportunity for revenge presents itself, Alex jumps at the offer. His mind is determined to make Libby feel the pain he has suffered over the last seven years… but his heart and conscience are fiercely battling against him. 

The love of his life is back once again, but who can win in this mendacious game of revenge?

(18+ This book is intended for mature readers. Strong language and graphic sex scenes)

~ Purchase ~

~ My Thoughts ~

This was nothing like what I thought it would be. It had so many things that in a way didn't make sense and then others that I just kinda wanted to smack both the characters for. It's an attention grabber and a page turner. The author has done a really great job with writing it and getting a really awesome soul mate story out there. It did take me awhile to get in the grove of reading this story but once I did holy crap it was filled with details upon details; which really helped the story as a hole. 

The story is a 1 person POV story and it's told by a male. Really kewl if you ask me. It's one of those Revenge love stories that at the same time shock your system. It's full of twists not so much turns as nothing really out of the normal happened. It's more so about 2 lost souls being one then not being one and coming back together to become something more again. It's completely hott with alpha males and strong female characters that you do get your fill on meanness and you even get your happy well somewhat. (have to read the story see what I'm talking about.

This story doesn't have a cliffhanger but the ending is what shocks me the most it jumps at the start from Present to 9years later then the end is 3 years later I felt as if I really missed some major things. Even if the story does talk about what happened before the 9years but it was always something small and then cut you off once you started to understand what was happening.  If anything this story is 3 1/2 stars almost 4 stars it's story captured me the love, passion, fights, and all alpha, but something about it just didn't completely make since out of the whole thing. 

~ My Rating ~

~ Excerpt ~


But what can I say? I’m Alex Lewis after all. The multi-millionaire with a jackhammer-sized cock. There’s not a woman alive that doesn’t want a piece of this. And that’s the fucking problem. I don’t want any of them.

All because of one girl. She ruined everything by burning her mark deep inside my chest. She was the girl I’d trusted with my life, and in return, royally fucked me over. I had decided there and then I’d never let it happen again. Every move would be calculated precisely. Each encounter would be strategised to perfection.









I’m going to see my ex-wife after almost seven years. I have a million questions plaguing my already overwhelmed mind. What does she look like? Is she still the same? How will she react when she sees me?

The world feels like it’s about to drop out of my arse, but I’m holding onto the welcome knowledge that I’ve got the upper hand in all this. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s signed up for business suicide with this deal.

And I’m smug as fuck.

Monday is when the plan commences and Libby learns exactly who thenew Alex Lewis is, and I’m going to enjoy every fucking minute of it. I’m sure she’ll be kicking herself when she sees me, and maybe even more when she realises what I have in store for her.

~ Character Cast ~

~ Playlist ~

 ~ Twenty Fun Facts ~

1. My friends and work colleagues think that I am THE laziest person on the planet. Seriously... I don’t like to do anything.

2. I swear like an absolute trooper. Leave your politeness at the door in my house...

3. I carry my Kindle wherever I go. You never know when you are going to be delayed right?

4. I have a VERY sweet tooth. (Two root canals at 23... Ouch!)

5. I’m terrified of the dentist.

6. I’m also terrified of spiders.

7. Did I mention heights as well?

8. My now Husband and I had a long distance relationship for over a year before he finally moved in with me. (Five years together and still as strong as day one!)

9. It was always a dream of mine to own a pair of Christian Louboutins. Now I have had them over a year and I am too scared to wear them. The red is too pretty!

10. I am part of the most amazing group of girls. My Smut Sisters are my besties and I love them! Within the small group of us, we bring authors, readers and bloggers together. We talk, we laugh, we support, we beta read, we gossip and we watch porn together. (Seriously... we are now past the point of no return)

11. Video games are my obsession. I kick arse at Call of Duty... For real!

12. Justin Timberlake is my boo <3

13. As much as I love top 40 hits and big music artists, I am also a huge fan of K-POP. Girls’ Generation, SHINee, 2NE1, EXO, 2pm... Love! Love! Saranghae!

14. I had still have an unhealthy obsession with Christian Grey.

15. I have a twitter, but I’m not as hooked with it as I am Facebook.

16. Twinkies and Mountain Dew are craved daily.

17. I hate tea and coffee... bleh!

18. Self-publishing my first book was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done.

19. I’m an only child.

20. I get over emotional at practically everything. Books, films and television programmes can have me in tears with the slightest of things. I need to learn to suck it up... I know.

~ Meet The Author ~

Beth Ashworth was born in Manchester in 1990, but shortly moved to the modest city of Coventry where she was raised and still resides now.

As an avid reader from a very early age, Beth has always been keen to put her words onto paper. As a child she was always found with either a book in her hand, a pen and notepad or a computer games controller.

Starting off by initially writing alternate endings to her favourite Jacqueline Wilson books from around the age of ten, Beth has continued to grow and love her passion for books.

Eventually, after many unfinished books and short stories, she finally decided to follow her passion and write books that she hopes people will love.

When she isn't reading or writing, Beth loves to spend time with her husband and friends.


***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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