Monday, February 2, 2015

Blog Tour & Review: Kick By: Carmen Jenner

RELEASE DATE: January 26th, 2015

~ What's It About? ~

When I was ten, my father indoctrinated me into the family.
A brotherhood who would fight, protect, and give their lives for one another. A club whose ties ran thicker than blood, murkier than the dirt and grime that tainted my soul. Stronger than the bonds that connected me to my own family.
A band of brothers, where loyalty was kept and paid in a currency of blood.
When I was twenty-seven, I betrayed that brotherhood.
I’ve spent every day since running, avoiding paying back that debt.
My name is Daniel Johnson. I have betrayed everyone I ever loved.
And I’ll betray her too.
This is my story—if you’re screwed up enough to want to read it.

Warning: KICK contains graphic violence, profanity, drug use, and explicit sexual situations of a taboo nature. Intended for an 18+ audience only. Not intended for pussies.

~ Purchase ~

~ My Thoughts ~

Wow going back and forth between the the past and present was amazing; normally I get really board and confused when a story does this but for some reason I didn't have this problem. I was in awe at this story from the time I turned the first page till I reached the last page. The author really knew what she was doing!!! I loved the writing and the story it's like nothing I personally have read before ever. The author really made MC life a total different thing, more rough around the edges.

This story is 2 person POV, takes a bit for it to become a 2person POV but when it does it's like full freaking force in your face and the story comes alive more. I really loved the characters all hard core on the outside but soft and gentle on the inside ok well for most that is. It's loaded with alphas man oh man. I do mean full club full they all seem to bump heads a lot. Kick is this crazy hard core and secretive person that you get to follow on his journey of finding love again and fighting his inner demons over and over again. Anyways the ending I don't think could have been any better that was jaw dropping great if you ask me a weird kind of happy ending that only you can understand by reading the story cover to cover.

MUST READ MC story it's a love story like no other. It's hair pulling jaw dropping shock factor will blow your mind away. It's a little darker then what any other romance MC story is but I'm being serious when I say it's worth the read. It's attention grabber and hotter then hott story details; one journey and ride that you wont want off of. Hell I'm all for having my very own Kick. READ IT!!!

~ My Rating ~

~ Excerpt ~

“You gotta let go now, Princess. I gotta hand you over.”
Her panicked gaze meets mine. “He’ll shoot you.”
“No, he won’t.”
“Yes, he will.”
I smile down at her. “What are we just gonna stand here forever, you in my arms, your dad holding a gun to my head? If he shoots me, he shoots me. Ain’t nothing I can do about that, Princess. At least I’ll know I did one thing right.”
She takes a deep, shaky breath. “I’d be dead if it weren’t for you.”
I nod, because it’s true. If Slayer hadn’t come at a deal, Prez would’ve eventually killed her, and he’d have tortured her some more first. “Promise me somethin’?”
“Get on your feet and then get the hell outta here. Prez will come looking for you again. He’s not a guy who likes to lose. Take as much money as you can, and get the fuck away from this life, otherwise you’re gonna wind up filling a body bag way too young.”
Lauren is wrenched away from me then. She screams as the Italian carts her off toward the clubhouse, flailing and slapping at him despite her injuries.
“Daniel!” she screams, reaching out toward me as he struggles to get her inside. Without thinking I take a step forward, but I’m attacked from behind. My knees go out from under me and I’m shoved face-first into the ground. Some heavy motherfucker sits down on my back. I buck, trying to unseat him, but I’m whacked in the back of the head until I stop.
“Well, isn’t that fuckin’ touching? The Angel scum, in love with my daughter? Didn’t I warn you away from her once before?” Slayer asks, circling me like a predator circles prey. The biker using me for a chair shoves his gun against the back of my skull.
“Yeah, I did,” Slayer continues, and he motions for the guy on top of me to force me to stand. I’m dragged up by the hair and presented to Slayer. “At the rally, where she fuckin’ went missin’!” His red, blotchy face almost touches mine. He’s so close I can see the blood vessels snaking out from the corners of his eyes. He’s fucking high. His daughter’s been locked up, raped, beaten, treated like a fuckin’ animal over some shit that she shouldn’t even have to know about, and the arsehole’s gettin’ high as a fuckin’ kite instead of findin’ her? He makes me sick. He’s everything I hate about the life. And he’s more than likely exactly where I’ll end up, because this is what we are—this is what livin’ in the club gets you: bitterness, enemies, and a shit-tonne of bad blood.

KICK Book Trailer

Join the KICK Release Day Party

Support the KICK Thunderclap campaign

Visit the Saint Savage MC official website

~ Additional books by this author ~

Welcome to Sugartown 


Enjoy Your Stay


Greetings from Sugartown


Welcome to Sugartown Website

~ Meet The Author ~

Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA TODAY Best Selling Author, doctor, pilot and CIA agent. She's also a compulsive, flagrant prevaricator who gets to make things up for a living.

While Sugartown may not technically exist, Carmen grew up in a small Australian town just like it, and just like her characters, she always longed for something more. They didn't have an Elijah Cade, though.

If they did, you can be sure she would have never left.

~ Giveaway ~

a Rafflecopter giveaway

***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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