Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blog Tour & Review: Concealment By: Scarlet Wolfe

Concealment by Scarlet Wolfe

Hosted by Everything Marie Tours

Book Description

Publication Date: January 23, 2015

~ What's It About? ~

Victoria Hart is supposed to be the enemy. She is an undercover detective who infiltrated my hotel and casino as an employee to take down my illegal enterprise. What she doesn’t know is I am fully aware of it. The operation I’m orchestrating is monumental compared to anything her mind could envision.

It’s the burning desire I feel when she’s near that I didn’t see coming. An unwavering draw to touch her, and the need to break down her walls is testing my restraint; however, nothing can stand in the way of my ultimate goal. She could destroy everything my brothers and I have worked toward to avenge our father’s death.

To keep the upper hand, it is vital to know your enemy. How deeply can I go, peeling back her intriguing layers while still concealing the truth? How much of Victoria can I claim before she’s too close … too close for me to let her go?

This novel ends in a cliffhanger and is for a mature audience due to harsh language and descriptive sexual scenes.

~ Purchase ~

~ My Thoughts ~

What the hell, How the hell can you just stop the story with a cliffhanger like that. I've had some that really bugged me but holy shit man this one just about tops that. I'm not calmly waiting for more in fact I'm jumping up and down wanting more. I was hooked what more can I really say. It only took me one hole day reading this amazing story from cover to cover. The author really has a wonderful way with her words and making the story really worth the read. 

The story is a 3 or more POV which isn't all that much once you get reading the story in fact all the characters really blend well together in fact are great. The hot alpha males you want to smack around some but in the end are totally worth the time to learn them. It's the shocking end that really gets you along with all the twist and turns that pop out of no where in the middle it's wonderful. of course it helps to have really great and strong characters for such an awesome story. The characters are full of passion, tension, love, romance, anger, and lies but that's what makes it great that and the complete super hott sex scenes and the foreplay scenes are just as hott Hell my face was a shade of red for some of this story.

It's one laugh out loud what the heck romance story for sure. It's details are really awesome, the words jump out at you and hook you in. It's over all really great. It's a Must read that leaves you going "that's it?"  believe me I had to turn the last page over and over again as I didn't want it to end or at least I was hoping for more to be on the next page. Please take me word for it and read the thing. I'm also hoping like hell that book 2 comes out and that there is a book 2 as the huge cliffhanger just isn't working for me; don't get me wrong the story is amazing it's the damn cliffhanger. 

~ My Rating ~

~ Excerpts ~

Adrian’s POV:

“I’m Adrian Cassano, the owner of this hotel and casino. I was quite impressed with your moves, Ms. Victoria Stuart,” I say with a smirk.

“It’s Vicky, sir, and how did you see that already? I mean–thank you.”

“Can you explain what transpired?”
“He grabbed my ass, which I would’ve excused, but he refused to move his hand afterward, so I had to do it for him.”

I eye her intently. That wasn’t exactly the response I expected. “So, you’re OK with random men grabbing your ass?”

She scowls. “No, but for the sake of my job, I was willing to let it slide once.” She’s giving me attitude, and damn, she’s gorgeous. This will be more enjoyable than I anticipated.

“I see.” Staring into her striking, green eyes for several seconds, I find she’s determined to hold my gaze.

“I think it would be best to move you to an environment where the cliental will not be touching you without your permission. Although the asshole deserved it, I don’t need a lawsuit, and he would not be the last to grab your ass.”

She continues to scowl. At least her attitude suits her day job. Yes, I believe I’m going to enjoy every second of my time with Victoria. She will be easy to torment since she likely feels she has to keep her mouth shut around me. I have a suspicion that is not something she’s used to doing. I’m sure she doesn’t want to lose this job and blow her case. The investigation I’m fully aware of.

Victoria’s POV:

Reaching down, I zip up my black thigh high boot. I’d never tell my detective partner, Reggie, but I feel badass and sexy as the zipper tightens the shiny, black patent leather against my toned leg.

“It appears his mother, Denise, has been in and out of mental facilities his entire life,” I say. “His father, Alvin Cassano, died in the Twin Towers during 9/11. Adrian, his three brothers, and one sister were left with a hefty insurance policy, and he enlisted in the Marines after.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed Adrian Cassano to be ex-military,” Reggie says.
“Once discharged, he and his brothers moved to Vegas and built the hotel and casino.”

“Be careful, Victoria.” Reggie is leaning back against my bedroom door, conveying a stern look.

“Seriously? What is your deal over this job?” I ask as I zip up my second boot.

“Have you forgotten we’re partners? I can’t be in there with you, and it’s making me crazy.”

“I’m a cop. I earned this detective job because of my ability since they sure as hell don’t give it to women otherwise. I can take care of myself.”

He slides his hand through his curly, dark hair. “That’s what worries me. You think you’re invincible.”

~ Meet the Cast ~

~ Meet The Author ~

Scarlet Wolfe began writing in January of 2013 as a way to distract and heal from some of the grief she was dealing with after the death of her teenage son. She instantly fell in love with bringing characters to life. Releasing contemporary romance throughout 2013, she has branched out this year, releasing erotica and teen.When not writing, Scarlet enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She loves coffee, chocolate, wine, stories about possessive, hot alpha males, and other flavors of ice cream besides vanilla. She hopes her writing will encourage readers to feel more comfortable exploring their sexuality.

~ Giveaway ~

*** I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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