Monday, November 17, 2014

Release Day Blitz: Bend, Don't Break By: Skye Callahan

release day

Bend, Don't Break

release tease

I thought I was done.

my End

I couldn’t take my eyes off her as the bullet tore through me, leaving me with nothing but the hope that I had done enough to save her. The darkness tried to engulf me—to brand me as its own and drag me to my fate.

  my Darkness

Waking to see her tear-stained face above me was enough to make my heart stutter. I was alive and free from that place—but not from the toll it had taken on my mind and body.

my Strength

My story should have ended, but one woman kept standing in the way of that. The only way I could have her was to find a way to put the darkness to rest.

 Bend, Don't Break: 

Nook | Amazon US, UK, CA, AU | iTunes | Kobo 


  Nook | Amazon US, UK, CA. AU | iTunes | Kobo | ScribD

Join Skye Callahan and Pepper Winters for a Release Party on Wednesday, Nov. 19!

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“Did you force her to have sex with you?” My hands clenched at my sides twisting and curling the thin hospital sheets. “Not then.” I tried to think about anything else, but my mind betrayed me and jumped straight to that night. My heart went into overdrive, fueling the anger that already tainted my blood and sending it to the deepest part of my brain. That first day. It seemed like it had happened years ago, only because so much had changed since the day I’d first seen her in the basement of the Retreat. “When? Another day—or night,” Dr. Combs continued prying. “Second night—only because it would’ve been Ross if not me.” “How did she react to that?” I blew out a puff of air. “I got her off if that’s what you’d like to know.” Dr. Combs scowled. “See there,” I said, laying my arm over my eyes. “You don’t really want to hear about it any more than I want to talk about it.” “Be crude all you want. I’m not judging—” I slammed my hand down on the bed to stop her lie. “Don’t fucking give me that. I was there. There is no fucking way in hell anyone hears about the things I did without some kind of opinion. I’m the bastard, the abuser, rapist, villain, liar, thief—and I get away with it all as far as the law and any official judgment are concerned. I’d be utterly convinced that I’m guaranteed a spot in the deepest pit of Hell if I wasn’t holding on to the slim hope that the time I’ve already spent there was enough to burn away my sins—at the very least it might have burned away my soul, in which case it won’t matter much once I die because there won’t even be anything left.” She smiled—of all the fucking reactions in the world, she smiled at that? “Finally getting an honest reaction. I do believe that’s the most you’ve said all week.” I scowled, the distasteful sting of bile assaulted my mouth. “You’re a gem, you know that?” “Back to the topic. Tell me what happened.” “When?” I was done fighting, only because the smile told me that she was quite possibly more sadistic than me. “Pick a night.”

Advance Reviews:

"Again, I am amazed, I read this in an afternoon, and I am so glad I had the time because I wouldn't have been able to put this down.... While this book is told from James's POV it gives another side to the first story yet, builds onto the current story and another part that you haven't been told." (read more...


Melissa, Everything Marie "I just finished Bend, Don't Break and what a way to finish this story! I just loved it.... " (read more...


Beggin (Shay) from Mommys a Book Whore "Now back on the outside, James and Rose have to figure out how to put the pieces back together in this next chapter of their lives. Loved them in Irrevocable and fell even harder for them in Bend, Don't Break." (read more...


Vicki "Rose and James have so much to work on recovering from their time at the Retreat, this book is filled with every emotion and it is an amazing read. I don't want to give away any part of the story but if you read Irrevocable you must read this book, it was just as good if not better." (read more...


Angie, Wicked Reads Review Team "I loved this sequel. It filled in so many holes from James POV and got us to the HEA I wanted for them both. If you loved Irrevocable, this is a must read!" (read more...


Lucinda, Jezabell Girl and Friends "Speechless! This was exactly what I needed to be happy with their story...! They fight their struggles and dark past together. And at the end are exactly what I wanted them to be.... It's a must read." (read more...


Cherry, Naughty and Smutty Book Blog a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author:

13186_654717854170_98365448_nSkye Callahan was born and raised in rural Ohio and has had an insatiable love of reading and writing since she was young. Thanks to the encouragement of teachers, family, and friends, she has found her passion in immersing herself in the imaginary worlds of the characters who live in her head. Most of her early stories were paranormal, and although the paranormal world still has a special place in her imagination, her interest in BDSM and dark romance has led her to expand her writing endeavors. Before she began writing full-time, she earned a M.A. in Public History and worked for a non-profit business consulting center. When she’s not indulging the voices in her head, she’s enjoying life with her husband
and two ferrets.

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