Monday, July 28, 2014

Blog Tour & Review: Addicitive Lunacy by: N. Isabelle Blanco

Event Organized by ❤MaE Book Tours & Promo Stars Services

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~ What's It About? ~

Calum Alexander lived his life one way. With purpose and moderation. Everything was set in place and everything happened according to a plan. That is, until his picture perfect engagement falls apart and his crazy brother Lucas gets him to agree to a night out. Calum is left to fend for himself when Lucas decides to bail and ‘fend for himself’ he will need to. A vivacious and obviously young Livana Payne catches his attention and before he knows what's going on, they end up talking. By the end of the night, Calum is on fire for the impish girl who's managed to ignite an inferno within him. Yes, she’s twelve years younger and the complete opposite of what he’d imagined in his life, but he hungers for her in a way that’s frightening. Drunk and surprisingly out of control, he's dead set on his need to have her. But the moment he accidentally lets it be known that he's recently single, Livana is having none of it. There is no way she's getting involved with a man who just broke up with his fiance. No, they were going to have to wait. Calum’s need for her somehow kept growing. As the days went by and he got to know her more, Livana seemed to be stealing all of his sanity. As much as she wants to wait it quickly becomes obvious to Calum that he’s losing his grip to the monster she’d awakened within him. He’s about to lose control and when he does, he knows there’s going to be nothing gentle about what he’ll end up doing to her.

Genre Erotica/ Contemporary Romance

Publication Date September 16 2012


~ My Thoughts ~

Wow what a story, the start of it I wasn't to sure what I was getting myself into but, the more I read on the more I couldn't believe how the story was unfolding right before my eyes. This was a 1person POV story for once it was in a males eye. Which for me is really weird having not read many books like this it was different nice actually.  Gave me a hole new way of reading, opening my mind up more.  This is my first time reading from this author and I have to say she did a really wonderful job, the writing style was great and kept my attention on the story.

The characters are great at first I wasn't to hip on what was going on but the more I read the story the more I was liking the main characters. Calum is this alpha male that is hidden deep inside him that is until Liv.  Liv is this outgoing girl who doesn't want to be a rebound she knows what she wants.  The meet and of course it seems like love at first sight.  The story ends with Calum head over heels in love with Liv and Liv the same for Calum. I was happy with how the end turned out. Now I was ready for more it just seems as if the story was too short, it did leave off on a cliffhanger. But hopefully book 2 clears up the the ending a little more.

~ My Rating ~

Compulsive Fascinations (Compulsions Book #2) Coming Soon!
CR Soon

~ What's It About? ~

  You get hurt once; you assume that’s the norm. You see others suffer; you assume that’s the norm, too. At least, that’s what Livana once did. One rough go-around was enough for her. After that, she kept it simple, no strings attached. It was just easier, even necessary. Until she went out one night and met Calum Alexander, a man whose intensity broke through each of her defenses, leaving her vulnerable. Afraid to fall in love, she tries to keep some of her walls up around herself, even as Calum seems determined not to let her. Faced with a man that seems intent on possessing her, Liv knows it’s a mere matter of time before she no longer has a choice.

Genre Erotica/ Contemporary Romance

Expected Publication Date To Be Announced


~ Meet The Author ~

nisabelleN. Isabelle Blanco was born in Queens, NY (USA). At the age of three, due to an odd fascination with studying her mother’s handwriting, she began to read and write. By the time she’d reached kindergarten, she had an extensive vocabulary and her obsession with words began to bleed into every aspect of her life. An avid reader in her teens, her fascination with Japanese anime eventually led her to the universe of fan fiction, which became her on-again, off-again hobby for the next ten years. During that time she amassed a following of fans that, by her own admission, she would never be able to live without. It was those fans who encouraged her to step beyond the fan fiction realm and try her talent in the publishing world. N. Isabelle Blanco spends her days working as an author, web programmer, marketer, and graphic designer. That is when she isn’t handling her “spawn”, as she calls her son, and brainstorming with him about his future career as a comic book illustrator.

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***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review ***

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