Thursday, May 15, 2014

Blog Tour & Review: Ryder's Redemption By: Rose Dewallvin

(Book Two in the Dueling Dragons MC Series)

Release:  May 6, 2014

Goodreads Book Page

~ What's It About? ~

Ryder thought this last run was going to be simple, but little did he know that what was about to happen would not only test him but test the whole Dueling Dragons MC.

Follow along with the MC and Ryder as they are pinned brother against brother, leader against leader and lastly lover against lover. Will Ryder find his way out of this to get back to Faith? Or will he be left to ride alone again...

~ My Thoughts ~

So this one had a lot of POV's which made it hard to keep up with what was actually happening but it helped the story out (I hope that makes sense). This was an amazing 2nd story for me as I was able to read the 1st story and really enjoyed it, I enjoyed this one more :) The hole story line was amazing I loved what Ryder had to go threw and I'm actually really happy with the way it ended make me have really high hopes for a book 3. I found this to be a hard story to set down I just couldn't my mind and my hands wouldn't allow it no matter what I told them. 

This is one really well written, attention grabber story that you don't want to miss just make sure you read book 1 or you'll be like huh what's going on? lol. I loved that Faith was still fighting to find herself and try and be happy even with all the hard shit going on. Ryder has surprises coming out of the woodwork surprise surprise that's club life. Ziggy what the hell man now I'm completely hooked on finding out his and Peggy Sue's story :) *what I know Faith hated her in book 1* A lot more things come to play out and get your ready for more and exciting things that I believe are happening!! Man can I be any more obvious that their should be more. What can I say Rose(author) has got me hooked on her DD club and that's ok in my book :)
MUST READ!!! This I can't be any more serious about you need to read this story full of fight's, love, and surprising news all over. Don't miss out read it!!!
~ My Rating ~

~ Excerpt ~

The gym manager jumps up to check the dude out and looks at me. “What the fuck did you do, man?”
I shrug. “I only hit him once.”
The manager walks over to the guy and gives him a little kick and the guy starts to grumble on the floor. Deciding that it’s time for me to get the hell out of here, I jump out of the ring and begin to unwrap my hands of the tape. I look up and see Filthy walking toward me. “Dude, what the fuck did you do to that guy?”
I shrug. “One hit and he went down.”
Filthy shakes his head and just looks at me with wonder in his eyes. I look over at the guy in the ring with the manager. He’ll be okay, so I turn to leave.
“See ya back at the club, brother.”
Filthy nods and goes back to working out. He may be skinny, but he’s all muscle, and I know he works out here every day. I think I need to get myself into a regular routine and hopefully find a trainer to keep my skills up. I’m not sure if I want to walk away from fighting every now and then. The money is good, and it’s fast and easy.

~ Playlist ~

~ Excerpt ~

I am broken, and my life is no longer what it once was. I am a changed man. In the past few months, I have visited Hell and returned with a new conviction about myself; and the man that I am. Either she understands, and promises to stand behind me, and the choices I have to make in life; or she move on without me. I have a responsibility to the Dueling Dragons brotherhood first and foremost now.
I can still hear her parting words: that she hates me, burning through me as she walked out the door. Out the fucking door without a look back.
Fuck this. I need to work out this frustration and feel the inner pain. I decide to go for a ride and then hit up the gym in town. I need to feel my fist hitting flesh. I need that adrenaline high I get from fighting. It makes me feel alive and in tune with myself. I need to feel the wind at my back and just get away. It’s been months since I rode hard.

~ Trailer ~

~ Book 1 ~

 Faith’s Temptation

~ Purchase ~

~ Meet The Author ~

Growing up in a small town close to Seattle, Rose saw many different walks of life. But growing up around bikers and rockers, she experienced most things people only dream of.

Now a thirty’s something wife, mother, sister, aunt and best friend –she is devoting her time and energy to bringing these experiences and many more to you in her books. Contact via Email

Connect With The Author

*** I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***  

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