Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Review: Escape The Doubt By: Andrea Michelle

Release: November 19, 2013

Genre: Young Adult Romance

*Warning: This is a mature young adult novel. Recommended for readers 17+ due to underage drinking, sexual content and adult language.

~What's It About?~

After the unexpected death of her Dad and the haunting manner in which he died Riley Shaw built invisible walls around her heart. Barriers she created to protect her from splintering into broken pieces that couldn’t be repaired. She was unable to move forward from her past letting the guilt of her parent’s mistakes dictate her own choices.

Dean Warren was safe. Being with him was innocent and peaceful because she didn’t truly love him. His words held her captive in a false sense of security. His eyes were deceptive and his promises of never pushing her beyond what she was willing to give were broken leaving Riley Shaw in a state of regret and doubt.

Joshua Parker had the power to take what was left of Riley’s splintered pieces and ruin her completely or make her whole again. He was her best friend, her next-door neighbor - everything she wanted and settled on never having. Loving him was as easy as breathing air. The fear of losing him forever was more real to her than the feelings she couldn’t escape.

When faced with the very thing she feared the most and in the arms she thought were safe Riley finds herself questioning every decision she has made over the past two years. When she finally escapes the doubt in her head and accepts the truth in her heart is it too late?

Is taking a chance with your heart worth the escape or was it better to have never loved at all? Can forgiveness really set you free?

*This is book one in a series however can be read as a standalone.*


~My Thoughts~

OK so at first I wasn't into this kind of romance novel, but then it started to turn to be interesting then that turned into me not being able to put the damn thing down. lol. This was a different type of Romance novel for me. It wasn't like the normal that I read all about sex and a lot of hardcore love. It was softer and was nice for a change.  This story did have me thinking about when I was that age for sure.  I feel as if I can relate to Riley.  See myself was not in love with anyone from high school but did date the wrong guys and at 17 I my self ended up getting at tattoo on my right hip of a heart as well, ok so I got my cover-up at 17 my suppose to be heart was done at 15 but turned out bad. hehe.

So moving on to the story, I really liked how the main character Riley had to overcome the lost of her father being in the way of her loving Josh.  Josh is the perfect best friend in my eyes I want to say that I had someone similar to him my self.  He had to admit is true feelings and let the truth out with just about everything.  The main part of the hole story I think is Will Riley let love in? or Will she continue to deny her true feelings for Josh? (wish I could tell you but I'm not going to).

This story had a lot of strong characters right down to Emily as the female best friend, she was always their and I kinda feel that Riley needed that. I could talk about the hole story but then I might let some things slip and this is one that you should read.  The POVs were great and you had a way to know who's POV you were in.  The turn of events were explained very well I might add, the author definitely knew how to keep the story going.  It states that you can read this story as a standalone but I have a feeling just like myself that you would want to hopefully read book 2 to just the way it ends makes you wonder about more of the love story.  Like I said this was a different kind of Romance for me and Yes I did like it.

~My Rating~

~Meet The Author~

Andrea Michelle was born and raised in Louisiana. She spent years in Tennessee and in Texas and made it full circle back to the boot she loves so much and is currently living in Baton Rouge. She is a mother to three beautiful daughters and married her best friend at the young age of nineteen. She is a new self published author with a debut novel in the mature young adult contemporary romance category. She is a dreamer, a true Gemini at heart and has a fascination with love stories. She finds inspirations in all things (friends beware) and loves poetry and music. Her writing journey began as a young teen where she used to escape into a world of fiction and poetry just to cope with emotions she didn't understand. She wasn't an avid reader until her adult years and then her addiction to the one clicker became an obsession that cannot be tamed. She is not genre specific as a reader and she will not be genre specific as a writer. "I am not writing to tap into a niche but writing whatever my heart feels is the story to tell. Each WIP I create will have it's own voice. Some may thrive and some may not." When Andrea isn't writing you will find her reading, listening to music or spending time with her precious family. She is excited yet nervous to share her passion with you but looks forward to the journey ahead. She loves to hear from her readers and is eager to make new friends. Links below so you can friend, like, follow and support her. 

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*** I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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