Saturday, February 15, 2025

Review: Deliver Us From Evil

Deliver Us From Evil Deliver Us From Evil by Janine Infante Bosco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was in awe this story from the start. I was hooked and couldn't stop my self from reading this amazing story. Tara and Capone might be my fav of this series. However the cliffy at the end was not my favorite it has left me completely shocked and craving more. The way Capone loves and cares for Tara just blew my mind. The support of the club and her family made it even better. Tara is stubborn and strong headed all mixed into one a great combo of her parents that's for sure. The story starts off with a hidden love and then blooms right before your eyes into something amazing. each page is there to capture you. Janine once again made a page turner of a story.

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Review: Ashes To Ashes

Ashes To Ashes Ashes To Ashes by Janine Infante Bosco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story took me by surprise. Why did I wait so long to read this? That's something I will always ask myself. It was heart stopping good and right to the point. the emotions on the pages came to life and you felt what each character felt over and over again. Bianca was this amazing strong woman who just wanted to me heard. Had a hard life and wanted a chance to tell her side no matter the consequences. Shady this alphaish male trying to find his way, missed following his heart, got a 2nd chance and damn if he doesn't fight for it over and over again. Making things right turns into a big thing you cant help but keep the pages turning over and over again. By the time the ending came I could fell the heart break of the mothers loss, the tension between family and the love each character brought. This is one of those sit down an read in one day type of stories. Just grabs you from all sides and really gets you in your feels.

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Saturday, October 29, 2022

Review: Cease & Desist

Cease & Desist Cease & Desist by Janine Infante Bosco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What the heck took me so long to read this amazing and well written story, I couldn't get the pages turned fast enough. Janine once again has blown my mind with her writing, which is nothing like I have read before. She's amazing talented and it shows in this story. It shows in all. I really loved reading about Vanessa and David they were this couple that came out of no where, from what I was expecting anyways. The story is easy to read page turner that of course gets better and better with every turn I of course couldn't stop reading this every time I was at the gym which is why it took so long but was well worth it to the very end. Tear- jerker moments and tragic that will leave your heart bleeding and the tears coming made coming back even easier I just had to know what was happening and going on. Defiantly NOT a disappointment.

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Review: No Mistake

No Mistake No Mistake by Lisa Suzanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, what an ending when things couldn't get any better with the twist and turns on each page, Lisa pulls out all the stops with this ending. The characters remain the same only much better. The story really unfolds before your eyes and makes it feel real. Easy to read words pop off the pages and makes this unpredictable on ever page, Steamy action packed story in one that you don't want to miss with all the ups and downs you really feel for the Tristan and Tessa and the events that unfold. Steamy scenes to the ones that make you swoon over and over again. Its well worth the read and then some.

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Friday, October 9, 2020

Review: Fight Or Flight

Fight Or Flight Fight Or Flight by Janine Infante Bosco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

best story ever, I loved how it felt like a feel good story right from the start. I really liked how it was about the next gen and Riggs kids. It felt really and was very powerful with the words. I did tear up a lot with this story and laughed and felt happy at other parts. Can someone say emotional roller coaster. As emotional as this story turns out to be its one that is a MUST READ. Brooklyn and Eric are this prefect match made in heave couple, that by the end you really want more of there story like what happens after BLANK BLANK( see what I did there you have to read it). Family this story has that 100 times over I love that no matter what Janine had everyone come together for support it goes well with what's actually happening in the world right now, gave me all the warm feels. She 100% nail the 2 person POV that totally blew my mind and left me craving more Eric who reminds me so much of Riggs. Trust me and read this story.

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