Title: Just One Regret
Author: Stacey Lynn
Genre: MMA Romance
Release Date: September 24, 2015
Growing up, Grayson Legend and Kennedy Knowles were inseparable. They turned to each other when their families were nothing more than worthless guardians, and had promised each other to always stay friends.
Then Kennedy did the unthinkable.
She fell in love with her best friend.
And after finally finding the courage to let him know—
Grayson took off.
After walking away from his best friend because he didn’t feel like he would ever be good enough to give Kennedy what she wanted or needed, Grayson Legend has become a household name in the MMA fighting world.
When he runs into Kennedy at a fight in Vegas, he immediately determines to do one thing—never let her go again.
She has a secret.
They both have regrets.
And when the truth comes to light—
Everything between them could be ruined.
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My Thoughts
I was hooked once again this author is amazing with words, I don;t know how she does it. Draws a reader in and hooks them within a few minutes. The details and the emotions are one of my favorite things about this author, she's able to really make a reader feel everything the characters feel and makes it as your right their in the scene with them. The characters are amazing, they have this since of pride and truth to them that is great. Grayson, hott, alpha, MMA "Legend" all about bad temper with a way about him that makes people listen not to mention deep down he cares about everyone. His love for Kennedy is a tough subject. Kennedy, this beautiful and strong woman whose past is nothing to mess with, has a heart of gold and makes her one tough cookie once it was broken before. The passion that's between them makes you red from head to toe just reading it, Hott and sexy and wild all at the same time along with temper and anger of course but in the end it's worth it. All the characters in the story are wonderful and go so great together that it makes it really hard to not like any of them, seems to me that you end up liking all of them, hell everything about this story flows great and goes really well together. 2 person POV story you can't get enough of and want more. The twist that happens in the middle of the story is jaw dropping worthy and has you crying of joy and sadness by the end more happy tears then sad. MUST READ!!!! I so recommend everyone read this story it's a romance MMA that has so much sexual tension and passion it will blow the roof off. Read it see what I'm talking about. it was only a 1 day read from cover to cover and was so worth the words and letters on the pages that I want and crave more of this MMA series by this author.
My Rating
Author Bio
Stacey Lynn is the #1 Erotic Bestseller of Don't Lie To Me. She lives in the midwest with her husband and four young children. She can usually be found lost inside her own head, trying to bring her characters to life. When she's engaged in the real world, she's spending time with her family, drinking large amounts of coffee, and eating Skittles by the handful.
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