Monday, March 2, 2015

Review: Mend The Seams By: Silla Webb

Genre: Romantic Suspense/Contemporary Romance

Release Date: March 1st


One flicker of a flame ripped my life apart. For two years now my body has defied my will to live and although the shell of my existence still roams this ungodly world-my heart died along with my wife and son. Their blood is on my hands and living my meaningless life carefree is the ultimate punishment of my self-conviction.

Never lettin’ friends get too close to identify my pain, I suffer in the confines of my own heart, quietly. All they see is the mask-the humbled, empathetic man. Not the guilt stricken tortured soul I truly am.

Until her.

Our worlds collided like vehement waves of the perfect storm thrashing through the sea. Neither of us expected it, but both of us need to be saved from our own pain and destruction.

But the ship sailed too fast.

Fear and confusion consume me and I make the mistake of leaving her lost at sea just when she needs me the most; just when her greatest predator would strike.

Strugglin’ to survive through the wreckage my heart has been battered with, I have to battle my feelings and decide if I’m prepared to fight the darkest pits of hell to save her and Mend the Seams of her fragile heart or let her go completely. After all, she ain't even mine to claim.


Silla Webb is a Kentucky native, raised in the heart of the Eastern Kentucky coal fields. A coal truck driver's daughter, and a railroader's wife, the coal fields own a special place in her heart.

Silla is a work at home, Super Momma to three rowdy boys, who keep her on her feet from daylight to sunset. As a pass time from her everyday life, Silla started a blog-Momma's Secret Book Obsession, for reviewing romance novels. From there, she realized that not only did she have a natural love for reading and reviewing, but she found that lost love of writing that she once had as a young girl.

When she isn't conquering the world as a wife, momma and Super Woman, Silla loves to lay on the front porch swing and read while sipping sweet tea, just passin' the day away.

#embracethewreckage #mendtheseams #LukeAshton #BuriedSecrets

~ My Thoughts ~

Wow, Did it have to end? I really really could have more please!!! To me it ended way to fast of course that could be to the fact of how fast I was reading the damn thing. This author once again has blown my mind away with her writing style and the flow of the stories blend together it's truly remarkable and wonderful. I couldn't get enough. The author really explains things to help you understand better about what is happening and what's about to happen or could possibly happen.

The characters oh Hott damn they are better then the first 2 stories if not about the same. I really loved the story this time around it was like I got a hidden secret with the mines and love life of Sav and Luke mixed in with Josh and Drew. They all really blew me away the chemistry ALL the characters have with each other is really truly great. The attention to the details of the story are another one of my favorite things about it.

I do recommend this as a must read it's a complete 180 romance story then what everyone is use to with the different POVs and the different settings of the story it's bound to make you go crazy and let wanting more. It's Jaw dropping great with a BAM in your face twist on every page. It's one that will bring tears of sorrow and tears of joy to your eyes that you can't help but not get enough.

My Goodreads Review

~ My Rating ~

***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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