Thursday, March 5, 2015

Release Day Blitz & Review: Life To My Flight By: Lani Lynn Vale

Title: Life To My Flight

Series: The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC #4

Author: Lani Lynn Vale

Genre: Adult, Motorcycle Club Romance

Release Date: March 5, 2015

Photographer: FuriousFotog (Golden Czermak)

Cover Model: Nick Bennett
You’re The Life

Cleo’s a Pararescueman for the U.S. Air Force. When a PJ is called, it’s because everyone else has said no. It’s one of the most dangerous jobs in the entire military, but also one of the most rewarding. It’s the reason he doesn't form relationships. He’s seen his teammates divorce one by one, and he doesn't want to do that to a woman. Especially one that he’s supposed to love. However, nowhere in his grand scheme did he plan for the force that was Rue.

To My

Rue’s life has been rough. What she needs is a break. One that’ll distract her from the fact that she’s drowning in responsibility. It comes in the form of a dark and dangerous biker who has a habit of putting his life on the line. He gives her the world, and she holds on with both hands, knowing that he only wants to be friends. Or does he?


Thinking she knows what’s best, she pushes him too far, causing his control to take flight, and Cleo to disappear before the dust settles. One night of passion turns into a year of heartbreak as Rue tries to find the ability to move on from Cleo. He was pretty clear with his wishes, and they didn't include her.

Cleo’s not through with Rue, though. Not even a little bit. She’ll be his. All it’ll take is a little bit of…persuasion.

Just when I didn't think this author could write anything even more amazing I'm hit with this story. I loved every page turn and every word that is on the pages I honestly couldn't get enough. I'm blown away with this author after reading books 1-4 then, now reading 5 I'm really still in shock at the wonderful story. Not many words to say about this story, I'm  finding it hard to but words down for what i feel and think about such a wonderful magnificent story.

The characters oh man oh man the characters when I didn't think they could get better Bam I'm hit with another alpha hottie that takes my breath away along for that ride of course is a strong and independent female that takes the shit thrown at then basically gives as good as takes. The details in the story are wonderful and full of life you can't help but be drawn to the story. The words and characters just blend like they were always suppose to be written. The story line was super easy to follow along with and love at the same time. Makes you want your very own Cleo that's for sure, sweet, hott, and caring all in one. Makes for 1 fine alpha. 

MUST READ MUST READ!!! I loved it you'll love it, trust me you will be craving more and more by the time you done with it. I know it wasn't enough for me it seemed shorter then the previous ones I have read maybe it's just how fast I was reading the dang thing. I was able to read this cover to cover in 1 hole day it's that amazing. I was amazed at how the characters didn't change they just grew more and more into amazing people. I'm also happy to read about an MC that does good more then anything bad hell they save people's lives that's saying a lot right there.

I do recommend to read books 1-4 before this one as it will help you out with some of the characters and the back story a little more.

~ My Rating ~

Life To My Flight Excerpt © Lani Lynn Vale 2015

“Cleo...I don’t have any kids.  That kid is Cody’s baby,” she yelled back.
“Cody’s baby?” I asked, confused.
Hadn’t I heard from Silas that Cody was gay?
She raised her eyebrows up.  “Yeah, they went to Egypt just a few months ago and adopted her.”
That stopped me in my tracks.
Then I felt immensely stupid.  “Fuck, I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have come over this morning.  I had a bad night, and I just jumped to conclusions.  I just wanted to see you.”
She blinked, surprised at my apology.
“It’s okay,” she said softly.  “But maybe you should go home.  Come back some time when you’re thinking clearly.”
“I...I don’t want to go home,” I admitted.
“Why?” She asked. “What happened?”
I sat down on the edge of her couch and let my head fall into my hands.  “I had two patients die last night.  Two separate accidents, but no less severe than the other.  One was a two year old who’d touched a live wire that had fallen in her backyard.  The other was a young girl who suffered third degree burns in a motor vehicle accident.”
Both cases were still just as fresh in my brain as they were four and a half hours ago when they’d happened one after the other.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Cleo,” she said softly.  “But, that still doesn’t help me answer why you’re here at all.  You left me, remember?  Why now?  Why, when I just got my life back in order?  Do you know how long it’s been since I cried through the night?  Two goddamn weeks.  Then one freaking look at you, and it’s all right there again.  I can feel everything.  It’s tearing me apart,” she whispered with tears filling her voice.
Her head fell, hiding her face so I didn’t see the tears.
I swallowed thickly.
“I didn’t want to die and leave you alone,” I rasped.
She finally looked up, giving me her tear stained blue eyes.
“I would’ve followed you anywhere.  Done anything for you.  All you had to do was tell me what to do.  I would’ve waited.  I would’ve been able to live my life knowing you’d be coming back to me…if you were able,” she cried.
I closed my eyes.  The pain and terror that had grown for the past year all compounded to that final moment.  The exact instant in time that I knew I had to get out.
“I almost died over there,” I grated.  “The only thing that kept me alive was knowing you were here for me to come back to you.  Whether you thought that you were mine or not, I was always yours. And I always will be.”
Her quiet crying turned to a giant sob, and I gathered her into my arms, burying my face into her neck.
“What will it take for you to give me a chance?” I asked.
My heart froze in my chest, and then started to pound double time.
“I’ll give you anything.  Everything.  You want me to quit, I’ll do it.  You want me to leave the MC, I’ll do it.  It’ll hurt, but I’ll do it.  Just give me a chance.  You don’t have to decide anything right now.  But just let me spend some time with you.  I’ll prove to you I’ve changed.  I won’t freak out, I promise,” I pleaded.
She listened to my explanation, and I could tell it wasn’t enough by the dead in her eyes.
“I can’t.  I just can’t,” she said and stepped away.  “You can hang with me tonight, but after that, I want you to leave me alone.”
“But you’ll give me tonight?” I asked.

She nodded.  “I’ll give you tonight.”

I’m a married mother of three. My kids are all under 5, so I can assure you that they are a handful. I’ve been with my paramedic husband now for ten years, and we’ve produced three offspring that are nothing like us. I live in the greatest state in the world, Texas.

***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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