Monday, March 9, 2015

Release Day Blitz & Review: Angels & Whiskey By: Kimberly Knight


Whiskey, women and sleepless nights…

United States Army Captain Gabriel Hastings knew he would always follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. Serving his country was his destiny.

Until he fell in love…

When Gabe’s love affair is cut short, he turns to whiskey for comfort and swears he will never fall in love again.

Until he bumps into an unexpected angel…

By all appearances, Autumn Jones has the perfect life. Her husband, Richard, is a loving man who wants to be a father to her unborn children. But Autumn knows the truth. Richard has a controlling, dark side that leaves nothing to chance, especially Autumn. He’ll stop at nothing to make her the trophy wife he wants her to be.

When Autumn bumps into Gabe, he consumes her every thought, but she can’t act on her feelings. She’s married to a dark man she can never leave.

When he learns who Autumn’s husband really is, Gabe knows he will stop at nothing to protect her. Or is it too late for him to save his angel?





Wow, it's not the normal love story that I'm use to but it works. The author grabbed my attention that's for sure with all the lies, hotties, and the hurtfulness of words. It's actually not a bad read at all. It's quick read to me that is I of course couldn't but the story down for anything. I for one couldn't get enough of the words I was becoming more and more lost into the story with every page turn.

The characters really grab your attention and make you want to know everything there is about them. They really had great chemistry and worked awesomely wonderful as a couple. They made all the hard parts about life more fun and lovable.  Mostly some of the story I did want to smack the main female upside her head I couldn't for the life of me understand why she put up with what she did, but it all worked out and she was strong!! 

This is a must read story it's out of this world fun with a shocking plot and even more shocking is the hole story. It's a 2 person POV story that's told with emotions that you can really feel from the pages and words. This author really blew my mind with the details of the story. It's worth 4 stars as I felt like both characters moved on from there past to fast and it the hole relationship between then just went way to fast It was like bam bam bam there in Love. It was still a great 2 person POV story to read about how it was for each of them to watch the other in emotional pain.

~ My Rating ~


Kimberly Knight lives in the mountains near a lake with her loving husband and spoiled cat, Precious. In her spare time, she enjoys watching her favorite reality TV shows, watching the San Francisco Giants and San Jose Sharks kick butt, crushing candy on Candy Crush, playing computer games like World of Warcraft with Audrey Harte and online poker. Now that she lives near a lake, she plans on working on her tan and doing more outdoor stuff like...watching hot guys ski. However, the bulk of her time is dedicated to writing and reading Romance and Erotic fiction.

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***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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