Thursday, February 26, 2015

Review: Fearless By: Brynley Bush

~ What's It About? ~

Fiercely independent and newly single mom Emmaline Hart has spent the last thirteen years putting everyone’s needs before her own. Secretly afraid that her ex-husband’s assertions that she’s too uptight are right, Emma nonetheless keeps her life, and her emotions, firmly under control, fearful of getting hurt again. However, when she meets the dangerously attractive Beckett Black on a job assignment, the way his casual touch sends her pulse racing forces her to acknowledge her growing need to move beyond her fear. When Beckett offers her a job writing the memoir of his father, a renowned cancer researcher, Emma jumps at the career opportunity and the chance to get to know Beckett better.

Emma spends her days with the renowned doctor, who has spent his career studying a plant in the Amazon that has the potential to cure cancer, and her nights with Beckett, who slowly pushes past her fears and breaks down her barriers, introducing her to a passionate and forbidden love that surpasses her wildest fantasies. As the doctor’s story of secrets and cover-ups unravels, so does Emmaline’s view on everything she thought she knew about herself and the power of surrender.

~ My Thoughts ~

WOW, I didn't think it was going to be this hott, The title really didn't make since at first on what I was reading but half way through I was shocked to pieces the title really does fit the story. This was my first time reading anything by this author and I'm completely amazed by her writing!! It's wonderful and really great with the details. I couldn't believe the type of story that came out of this, at first I thought it was a sweet and sexy contemporary romance then BAM it's a small BDSM story that completely blew my mind. It's and attention holder, shocking page turners and fast past reading style.

The characters, what to really say about them besides they're amazing and fantastic. They didn't seem like 2 people at first to really be together but holy shit was I wrong, Yes I wanted to smack Beckett upside his head but as is every alpha male. Emmaline I wanted to punch her in the face or arm for her way of thinking bad about herself she had no self control over it at all.  Both main characters are strong willed and determined and very independent people themselves you can feel the sexual tension that they both have and the desire to be the Top Dog of each other was the best. These names are great and very unique I never would have thought of them,  They blend really great together and add to the hottness this couple tends to throw around.

This is one story that you don't want to miss, MUST READ!!! This author will blow your mind I know that I can't sit still waiting to dig in the next story just to see what happens. It's well worth 4 1/2 stars to me it's one that really captures the truth while at some parts were slow and really took me a little bit to understand; as were some pages I found I couldn't read fast enough and other's I had to put down and walk away not that it wasn't good because this story is good; I just had to give my mind a break from all the sexiness and the juicy sex. So take my word on it and read it.

~ My Rating ~

***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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