Monday, February 16, 2015

Blog Tour & Review: Breaking Braydon By: M.K. Harkins

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Title: Breaking Braydon

Author: M.K. Harkins

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: January 24, 2015.


~ What's It About? ~

23621649Playboy billionaire Braydon Decker changes women more often than designer ties. Scarred and humiliated as a teenager, he pledged long ago to never trust a beautiful woman again. But then he never imagined meeting one quite like Jain Parker. Jain, a dedicated medical research scientist, learned early in college that her good looks were a hindrance and she’d have to tone down her beauty to be taken seriously, thus, Plain Jain was born, and men were no longer an issue. Of course, she didn’t count on running into Braydon Decker. A successful venture capitalist, Braydon holds the key to whether Jain’s research company sinks or swims. When the two are forced to work together on a fundraising campaign, they’re instantly drawn to one another, despite their individual vows to remain unattached. As they navigate unchartered waters, their inability to trust wages war with their desire to love. Hearts are broken and trust is shattered when betrayal and lies are revealed. Will the truth bring them healing and forgiveness, or will it be too late? Breaking Braydon offers readers an emotional, compelling story filled with heartwarming humor, romance, heartbreak and love.

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~My Thoughts ~ 

Who would have ever thought a story like this would capture my attention from the start. The author really knows what she's doing when putting the words down. Really has a way with them for the details and making the story come alive. I really enjoyed my time reading it.

The characters are amazing!! Hell what's not to like about them, I felt every singe emotion that each one went through. The sadness I felt right along with the love and passion. I do have to say I was shocked by the turns of events that has happened but it's well worth it. At each page it felt even more alive with the characters the emotions were high, the love even higher and hell they had my mind all over the place with the ups and downs.

Must read!! No really read it. The ending might be my favorite part of the hole damn thing. I still am craving more after reading this story from cover to cover which it amazes me, hell it's just breath taking in the 2 person POV love story that really gets your tear ducts working your angry voice going and then BAM like a train wreck it all changes right before your eyes to this magical love story that takes your breath away and leaves you on a cloud.

~ My Rating ~

~ Excerpt ~

I wasn’t opposed to spending a little time with them, the relentless women. The tabloids were right; it was always under six hours. After that, I’d be done. They usually wanted to stay longer. Why did they delude themselves? Jain’s different from those women. I punched my pillow again, groaning in frustration. These thoughts had been circulating around my brain all night. Why couldn’t I just forget about her? Her lips, that’s why. Every time I closed my eyes, I imagined kissing her. Slowly, thoroughly. I knew those lips would be soft and inviting. I could almost hear her moan with pleasure as we kissed and held each other close. Stop it! You’ll only hurt her. I needed to stay away from her. I would only bring her trouble, and she’d bring me heartbreak. Instinctively, I knew both to be true. But could I stay away?  

~ Trailer ~


 ~ Meet The Author ~ 

M.K.MK has always been a voracious reader. After hitting a dry spell of reading material, she decided to write the kind of book she'd like to read. This resulted in the creation of her debut novel, Intentional. (Award for Best Sweet Romance - eFestival of Words- August 2014) Unintentional, her second book, is based on the life of one of the characters in Intentional. Unintentional was written as a stand-alone book. Breaking Braydon is MK's newest work. It will be published early 2015. When she's not writing novels, she likes to spend her free time traveling the world, splashing in mud puddles (She lives in Seattle, what can she say?), watching movies and reading (!) MK also runs her own business in her current hometown of Mercer Island, Washington. She LOVES to hear from her readers!

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***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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