Friday, September 5, 2014

Blitz: Trashy By: Cambria Hebert

Take It Off #10

Publication date: August 29th 2014

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

~ What's It About? ~

She’s trying to move on, but the past won’t let her go.
I fell in love once.
It was a big mistake, but the biggest mistake of all was staying with him.
He pushed me around. He cheated and treated me like trash.
I don’t feel sorry for myself, because I let him.
But no more.
I moved out. I’m saving my stripper’s salary for an education that will get me somewhere better.
But breaking the chains of a shitty past isn’t easy. He says I owe him. He says we aren’t done. I don’t care what he says anymore.
I do care about Adam.
But my history tells me I’m not the best judge of men. And the fact Adam’s been married four times tells me he probably isn’t a safe choice.
I need safe. I need better. I need out.
If the past is any indication of my future, getting out isn’t going to be easy.
  ~ Purchase ~

~ Excerpt ~

I could count on a single hand the number of men I have kissed in my life.
It might have well been zero though, because the minute, no, the second, Adam’s mouth fused with mine, my past no longer mattered. Every kiss I’d ever thought I enjoyed was proven a lie.
A rush of heat suffused my skin, and I knew if I looked down, I would see a fine pink flush spreading over my skin. Adam’s lips were supple and moist, a soft place to fall while he rendered me almost incapacitated. He didn’t lift his mouth, not one time. Instead his lips rubbed furiously over mine, creating a sort of friction that crackled in the space around us.
Our lips glided across each other, like they knew exactly how they fit together and the exact moment to shift so the pleasure was intensified. Adam slid both arms around me, crushing me against him. The hardness pressing into my center was almost painful, but it was the kind of pain that made my crotch throb. I wound my arms up around his neck, cupping the base of his head with my palm, and let my tongue dart out across his perfectly seductive lips.
He growled. The action vibrated my chest as he sucked my tongue into his mouth, stroking it and coaxing it deeper until it brushed over the roof of his mouth.
One of his hands slid down the small of my back and over the curve of my ass, where he filled his hand with my flesh and squeezed like he wanted me even closer. I wanted closer too, but there was too much between us.
I ripped my mouth away, gasping for breath, and bit down on my swollen bottom lip. Adam’s eyes were unfocused and heavy-lidded as he stared down at me. My pink lipstick marred the perfect shape of his full mouth, and it totally turned me on to see I had marked him in some way.
He swooped down to kiss me again, and when our lips latched together, I reached between us to fumble with the buttons on his dress shirt. I wanted to feel his skin. It seemed like I’d waited forever for him to touch me like this, for a kiss that totally blocked out the rest of the world. I was taking advantage while I had the chance.
Except my hands were shaking and my fingers kept missing their mark. How the hell was I supposed to remove his shirt when his lips were assaulting me to the point I couldn’t function?
I made a frustrated sound and he swallowed it down. His chuckle floated between my lips as he pushed my hands away and took matters into his own hands.
Those buttons never stood a chance.
The sound of them scattering across the hardwood on the floor barely registered as he literally ripped the fabric off his chest. I was on him before he even had the shirt totally pulled off his arms.
His chest was like granite, hard and carved, bronzed, and so incredibly smooth. My fingers slid over him like water. The silkiness of his skin made me sink my teeth into his lower lip as if feeling him wasn’t enough and I had to taste him too. Holy crap, he was broad. There was so much of him to explore my hands couldn’t move fast enough. I loved the way his muscles bunched beneath his skin, the tightness in his form, and the way when he wrapped his arms back around me, it was like he totally surrounded me. I was completely captured by his coppered, oversized body.
He made me feel small, but not in a helpless way. Small in the sense the passion between us was so big it overpowered my frame.
My hands fondled all the way down to the waistband of his pants. My fingertips flirted with the line between skin and clothing. Adam made a sound and ripped his mouth away to stare down with lust-filled eyes.

~ Excerpt ~

“Kiss me.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. In seconds he was standing to his full impressive height and towed me up along with him. Adam released my hand and cupped my face. His hands engulfed my jaw but he was so gentle. His eyes swept over me like I was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen and around us sparks flew like snowflakes in a blizzard.
Instead of crushing his mouth to mine like I expected, like I wanted, he took his time. His heated gaze dropped to my lips, then back to my eyes. His fingers spasmed against my head and tightened ever so slightly.
Slowly, slowly he lowered his head, cupping my jaw so that I could do nothing but hold still and wait for him to arrive.
The anticipation of his lips on mine was almost my undoing. Everything going on inside me head floated away. I became aware of the moment, of the quietness in the room, of the way my body swayed wanting to get closer.
Adam’s lips brushed over mine, a gentle caress, once, twice and then a third time. He lifted his head just slightly and stared down at me, his thumb climbed up and caressed my lower lip.
He smiled softly and then joined our lips once more.

~ Excerpt ~


I couldn’t decide what was harder to look at: Roxie looking shaken and soaking wet with blood on her face, or Roxie being engulfed by my jacket.
Both sights were practically impossible to see, for very different reasons.
When she rushed into the Mad Hatter tonight, my eyes went right to her. I always knew when Roxie was around. I felt her before I ever saw her. It didn’t matter if we were in the same room or not, her presence was never lost on me.
It wasn’t every night she came in looking like she’d fallen out of a boat in the middle the sea. Her hair was wet and tangled, her clothes saturated and plastered to her lithe frame, and her shoes were soaked through.
At first I thought it might be kind of cute, until she went for the vodka. Roxie didn’t drink on the job; she was the most professional stripper I’d ever had in this club. So when she retrieved the vodka and downed it without a second thought, I knew something was wrong.
And then I saw the blood on her lip.
It made me pissed and suspicious. I knew her ex was a loser, and my stomach tightened to think maybe he’d gotten hold of her again. But I knew better. I knew Roxie wasn’t back with him. I paid attention to her, more than she realized.
And yeah, maybe I checked with Harlow every once in a while.
I wished there was more I could do, but if she insisted it was only an accident, I would take her at her word.
For now.
As soon as I banked the raging protective instincts she always brought out in me, I noticed how see-through her saturated dress was. I noticed the hard pebbles in the middle of her fucking perfect tits. How was a man supposed to keep control of the brain in his head and in his pants when she was walking around looking like that?
The misery in her eyes was my control. She was clearly having a rough night, and she was freezing. Covering her up with my coat would not only save my cock from embarrassing me, but also give her some comfort.
Too bad she looked just as sexy drowning in my clothes as she did standing there wet.
Beautiful women were part of my job. Mostly naked, gyrating women were something I saw every single night in this club. In my twenty-five years, I’d seen a lot of hot bodies and sexy females. Hell, I’d been married to four of them.
But it didn’t matter because not one of those women knew how to hold my attention.
Except Roxie.
From the minute I first saw her walk into the Mad Hatter looking for a job, I knew there was something different about her. Something that no other woman I’d met had.
I still didn’t know exactly what that something was, and it didn’t matter. Even unidentified, she still completely captivated me.

~ Meet The Author ~

Cambria Hebert is a bestselling novelist of more than twenty books. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently resides in North Carolina with her children (human and furry) and her husband, who is a United States Marine.

Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chorkie (the real boss of the house).

Cambria has written within the young adult and new adult genres, penning many paranormal and contemporary titles. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense. A few of her most recognized titles are: Text, Torch, Tryst, Masquerade, and Recalled.

Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC.
Connect With The Author
~ Giveaway ~

Blitz-wide giveaway
Open INTL - Ends September 16th
A signed Paperback of Trashy
signed swag
a custom Trashy bracelet 

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