Publication date: September 19th 2014
Genres: Adult, Horror, Paranormal
~ What's It About? ~
When a family contacts her to deal with a disturbance presence in the old mansion they’ve recently purchased, Ellie first believes it to be a typical, by-the-book specter, a residual haunting by a restless spirit. Instead, she finds herself confronted an evil older and more powerful than she’d ever expected, rooted in the house’s long and sordid history of luxury, sin, and murder. The dangerous entity seems particularly interested in her clients’ ten-year-old daughter.
Soon her own life is in danger, and Ellie must find a way to exorcise the darkness of the house before it can kill her, her clients, or their frightened young child.
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~ Guest Post ~
Five Signs Your House May Be Haunted
Things go bump in the night. You feel like someone is always watching you. You think you have a ghost, but maybe it’s a just a creepy squirrel scrambling around your attic at night and staring at you through the windows. How can you tell for sure?
The editors of Ladies’ Haunted Home Journal are back with an easy guide to determining whether a paranormal presence infests your house! Before calling the ghost trappers, consider whether you have any of the following signs:
Cold Spots: One or more areas in your house might seem much colder the space around it. This may be a corner, closet, or other out-of-the-way spot. You may be excited to learn that when you feel the cold spot, you’re not just in the presence of a restless dead spirit, you’re also touching it! You’re almost inside the ghost, and it’s kind of inside you. Pretty neat. Important note: A cold spot inside your refrigerator or freezer may be caused by the appliance itself.
Strange Sounds: You may hear moaning, groaning, thumping or crashing late at night. Make sure it isn’t an elderly neighbor or relative bumbling around your house. If you hear voices threatening you with death or dismemberment, you might consider the benefits of spending the night at a Motel 6.
Mysterious Motion: Plates slide off the counter. Doors open or close by themselves. The chandelier leaped down from the ceiling, flew across the room, and tried to kill you last week. You’re beginning to think something may be amiss. First, make sure there aren’t any logical causes for these problems, such as keeping your counter too greasy, or a broken hinge in the door, or that idiot who installed your chandelier. If you can’t find an explanation, odds are you’ve got a ghost (or a poltergeist, but let’s not split hairs).
Absurd Disappearances: Your keys disappear from your end table, only to be found in the fish tank. Your good silver vanishes, piece by piece, and you discover all of down in a mysterious back corner of the basement. It’s either a family member with bizarre hoarding tendencies or a mischievous ghost. Either way, you’ve got an annoying problem on your hands.
Full Apparitions: If you have seen a ghost appear and disappear, you probably have a ghost. We don’t really have an alternate explanation for this one. Call your local paranormal exterminator today!
We hope these tips will help you sort out whether your house is haunted or your family just weird! If you have further questions, please read our pamphlet: My House is Haunted – What Now? Good luck with that ghost!
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