Sunday, May 11, 2014

Blog Tour & Review: Complements by: Lulu Astor


Release: February 7, 2013

~ What's It About? ~

Even the truest love cannot transcend death. Or can it?

For 17-year-old Olivia Girardi it all begins with dreams, haunting and erotic nightly forays that leave her feeling tired and disturbed days after having them. No matter how hard she tries, she cannot kick the man from her dreams out of her head; he shadows her day and night, and she blushes just thinking of how he swings her emotions up and down, and the way he touches her so insistently, as if he has the right.

When she meets Daniel Butler, a fellow American currently leasing her father’s art studio in Britain, he instantly evokes disturbing feelings in her and reminds her of her dream lover. What she will eventually learn is that Daniel harbors a secret so unbelievable that it will make Olivia question her sanity as well as Daniel’s.

Complements is the first of a two-book novel about profound love and other things.

~ Purchase ~

**May contain spoilers**

~ My Thoughts ~

It was a good story, seems like it was lost lovers trying to find each other again in their dreams and revisiting the past lives that they have shared only to really find that love for each other again. This story was written in a 1person POV. The author really did a great job explaining everything that was happening in detail. The story plot was good and the characters were even better, even all the past lives.  This was however a really long story and I just feel that it could have been cut a little shorter then what it was. I do have to say that a lot of the details of the events could have been less. 

Over-all this was an amazingly well written story but for so reason I still feel as if I'm missing pieces hopefully the next story will clear the air on that. I will be reading the next one, due to me finding out what is next for the lovers.  I also have to leave it on the note that the ending was nice didn't leave me off on a cliffhanger for once I'm so very grateful for that. :)

 ~ My Rating ~

~ Meet The Author ~

Lulu Astor is a New York City girl, born and bred. She met her husband at a doggie play group in Tribeca in the ‘90s and together they embarked on adventures, moving first to Chicago, where their first son was born, then on to Santa Fe, New Mexico, followed by Los Angeles, Cali. Eventually they headed back to NYC where their second son made his debut shortly thereafter.

Beginning her writing career with nonfiction, she began writing short fiction (her first love) in grad school, moving on to longer works shortly thereafter. She wrote the Complements series in 2010, and it was published on KDP in 2013. Three and a Half Weeks was initially conceived as a short story but evolved into a full-length (very full) novel as time went on.

Immersing herself in fiction (whether reading or writing) every minute possible, she also teaches writing and literature as an adjunct professor in the New York-Connecticut area where she currently resides. Her books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and Goodreads. You can follow her on Facebook, Goodreads, and Twitter (reluctantly).

Connect With The Author 

~ Giveaway ~

***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

EJ Button

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