Monday, May 12, 2014

Blog Tour & Review: Before You By: Lisa Cardiff

 Release: February 28, 2014

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~ What's It About? ~

Aubrey Keaton has never had a supportive family. Luckily, she has Camden…

Her childhood friend. Her savior. Her boyfriend.

Even after Camden leaves their hometown to chase his dream to be a musician, Aubrey can’t imagine her life without Camden and his family.

Before starting a job search for her own dream job, Aubrey decides to visit Camden in California for a month. But when she arrives, something unexpected happens…she meets Jax Carmichael, the lead singer in Camden’s band.

Jax Carmichael doesn’t have time for a relationship…much less love.

Even if Aubrey is irresistible, she’s a complication he doesn’t want or need. He has spent the last few years building Chasing Ruin, and the band is on the verge of being signed. Pursuing Aubrey could destroy his band, and he’s worked too hard to be successful without his family’s money, or connections, to let that happen.

Aubrey feels an attraction to Jax like something she’s never experienced before.

Confused, she tries to resist, but when her relationship with Cam begins to unravel, she realizes that Jax might just be the one thing she needs.

~ My Thoughts ~

When things fall bad do you turn the other cheek or open your eyes brighter? In this story the main character had to learn the hard way, but like all good stories she was able to open her eyes and see what really happened. This is a really well written story with lot's of characters to love and hate at the same time. This was a really great love story that makes you think about your past, ok well had me think about my past a few times. No I didn't date a rock star or go away to college but I did date a couple of jerks but who hasn't? Anyways back to the review; This story had a lot of WTF moments and a lot of AWWW moments which I really enjoyed both a lot.

I really enjoyed the story over-all it was really great story line, the over all writing was wonderfully written, well enough to draw you in and not let go at all. I was hooked right from the start no doubt about it. Heck I even loved all the hard tear jerking moments as well. The author really did a great job, this being my first time reading something from this author was amazing I couldn't get enough of the words even if I wanted to, that just shows that I need more from the author hell maybe book 2 is in my near future? lol of course it is I can't leave a series unfinished I can't do that to the characters. I think this is one Rock/art love story that everyone will love/like. The character catch you as with the words from the author so be forewarned. lol

Enjoy this story every minute like I did!!! MUST READ!!! 

~ My Rating ~

~ Excerpt ~

Jax either started pulling her toward him or she started leaning toward him, she wasn’t sure which. The way his thumb delicately stroked her wrist scattered her alcohol-soaked wits, and it took her a few seconds to remember to breathe. Bre stared at his mouth; completely fascinated by the sensual curve of his lips and she just barely resisted the urge to wet her own lips in anticipation.

With his mouth only inches from hers, he whispered, “You can’t look at me like that, Bre. I’m trying to be good. I know you’re Cam’s girl and the band’s important to me, but there’s only so much I can resist, and when you look at me like that I want to ignore all the reasons why kissing you is a really bad idea.”

Unable to speak, she closed her eyes, trying to regain her senses, but it was hard when she could feel his heated gaze and his warm bourbon breath tickling her face. She knew the rational thing to do was push him away, but she didn’t want to. His lips brushed hers, moving slowly, causing a tingling sensation that she suspected wasn’t a figment of her imagination. “Hmmm...” she murmured, draping her arms carelessly over his shoulders, breathing in the smell of him, wanting to be closer to him, wanting more of him, wanting to forget everything but him.

As he wrapped his arms around her waist, his tongue caressed hers once, then twice, and then his fingers began tracing the skin on her thigh just below her hemline at an indecently slow pace. Just as he started lowering her to the floor, inching his body between her legs, she heard laughter outside the still open door. Bre’s eyes popped open.

“Jax always hides out in his room when he gets in his moods.” Bre froze, recognizing Katie’s shrill voice.

“Maybe he knows where Bre is. I haven’t seen her for over three hours.”

“Probably not, you know how Jax is with his personal space.”

Bre’s eyes blinked in confusion. Then, suddenly she scrambled backwards and onto her feet, nearly tripping over the almost empty bottle of bourbon.

“It’s Cam,” she mouthed to Jax, bracing her hands on the footboard of his bed, completely shaken, but oddly disappointed by the loss of contact with him.

~ Meet The Author ~

After spending years practicing law and running a real estate development company with her husband, Lisa decided to pursue her dream of becoming a writer and she must confess that inventing characters is so much more fun than writing contracts and legal briefs.  A native of Colorado, she lives with her husband and three children in Denver. When she isn’t managing the chaos of raising three children and owning her own business, she can be found reading or writing a book.

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***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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