Thursday, May 8, 2014

Blog Tour & Review: Always at First By: Phalla S. Rios

Release:  May 5, 2014

~ What's It About? ~

Angel Mabbot is the perfect daughter.

Perfection has always been an expectation set forth by her adoring father and her overbearing, neglectful mother. Knowing she can never live up to their standards, Angel falls into a life of partying, drinking and pills in an effort to dull the pain of her insecurities and perceived failures.

Kevin Hawken, a former business partner of Angel’s father, has always loved Angel, although she has no idea who he is. Angel's substance induced state of mind forces her to question what is real.

And Kevin is too good to be real.

Caught in the clutches of Roman Conti, a notorious and dangerous Mob boss from Italy, Angel slips under Roman’s control. A control she can't escape.

And the only man who can rescue her...

Is a man she believes existed only in her dreams.

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~ My Thoughts ~

Wow, Can I have more please? This story was just amazing. I can't get over how much I really really enjoyed it. Okay I'm so switching my Teams up now I want Team Kevin as much as he seems like a really hott ass alpha man I'll take him any day over Roman. I'm really thankful with how the story ended; real thankful. As much as the 1st story had in it, the 2nd was even better; more of the past and it really helped you understand what is actually happening in the story. 

This author did an outstanding job with writing this story, how she got the words to get across the pages was wonderful. as with the characters and what each person brings to the table was just as wonderful. I finished this story like it was going out of style it was just too damn good if you ask me; and now that is why i'm left waiting for more, at least I hope their will be more!!!  The way this story ended kinda blew my mind away and let's you know that after all the hard shit in your life comes it leaves as well, but love will always be their no matter what. (yes, to understand my meaning you must read the story). As much as I want to give spoilers I must not.

This is a Romance story you don't want to miss out on!!! Pick up a copy and read it!!! I'm serious...

~ My Rating ~

~ Excerpt ~

Roman leads me away from the helicopter and down the walkway to his estate. The moment of silence feels surreal as I await my fate. This is a horrible nightmare and I will wake up safely in Kevin’s arms.
But this is not a dream.
This is real.
The man who refuses to let me go removes his hand from my lower back and roughly turns me to face him.    
“I will give you the life you crave my sweet angel, but you need to stop fighting me. Let go of him…he doesn’t have the means to give you your happily ever after like I do,” Roman murmurs as he steps closer to me. His hand grips the hem of my sweater, tugging me toward him.
I stand frigid, waiting for his next commanding move, but nothing happens. Tears spill down my cheeks, and my body tremors as I find the courage to speak. “I will never love you,” I whisper, turning away.
“Ah, you see, I don’t need love. I own you, Angel,” he growls as my name slips off his lips. He roughly cups
His dark gaze locks with mine, sending a shiver down my back, then he gently lifts my left hand, his thumb rubbing slowly up and down my ring finger. “You need something here…a reminder, perhaps,” he says

“A reminder?”
“Yes, baby, so you don’t forget who you belong to.” His lips tug into a sad smile.
“Who I belong to…” I repeat, my voice breaking.
 “Yes…” he whispers. He glances slowly toward his house and frowns, then his jaw clenches tightly, and his lips press into a hard line before he turns back to me. “Our family is waiting for us. I need you to wipe away everything that happened today.”
I shake my head and let out a cold, hard laugh. “I will never forget what you did to Kevin.” Or what you are doing to that poor girl, locked away at your secret compound.
“That was nothing compared to what I can do…what I will do if you try to leave me again,” he warns, dangerously. His eyes shimmer thickly with sadness and dangerous rage.
I flinch and take a step back. “You have me. You own me. I’m yours to do whatever you want. Just leave Kevin alone.”
I just made a deal with the devil.
my chin, forcing me to face him. “Love kills you. You live to find love, only to be cheated and left to die alone.” He kisses the tears on my cheeks away. “We will make this work.”

~  Not at First ~

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~ My Thoughts ~

I never would have thought how amazing this story was. At first I had a hard time catching on and the hole 2 guys going after 1 girls was like wtf? But it started getting really really good and let's just say for a Bad Guy I'm still all Team Roman!!! Heck Team Kevin just isn't doing it for me to many things not going for him.  The characters are all great, they all have this mystery side to them that just blows my mind.  I couldn't get enough of the story once I really really got into it. That is off course over the hole shock value of everything that is happening, then the pages starting turning and turning it was like my mind couldn't get enough of this amazingly written story. I wanted more by the time I was finished with it. With the characters there was a hole lot of Alpha male hottness factor going on and heck that had me blushing deff Roman did Yummy!!!

This story had captured me from the start and their was no turning back, I was at a point of no looking back, lol.  The only things I didn't like is how the hell could Angel not keep her mouth to 1 guy and 1 guy only to much bouncing around if you ask me hearts are going to be broken I think.  Heck I don't even know her past which kinda makes it hard to follow her way of thinking about what is actually happening that is if you can't pick up on the hints that float around in the story.  I do have to say the author really did a Fab job with the hole story line and characters even writing it down was amazing. So thank you for sharing you story. After I really got into the characters frame of minds I couldn't stop reading like I said before I finished this damn story in 1day hell just a few hours is all it took me really. That's saying a lot.

~ My Rating ~

~ Playlist ~

~ Meet The Author ~

Phalla S. Rios lives in California with her husband, a daughter and two goofy pit bulls. She loves to read and write while drinking her favorite tea, Joy, from Starbucks. During her spare time, she is usually at the movies or looking for the next best place to eat. She often refers to herself as a foodie. Her debut novel is Not at First. She is currently writing the sequel, Always at First.

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***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review***

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